sabato 13 giugno 2009

10 cosine da segnalare a Obama

Secondo sono già più di un migliaio le lettere inviate alla Casa Bianca dagli utenti di Facebook con lo scopo di spiegare a Obama alcune cose, che magari lui non sa, che hanno a che fare col signore che andrà a incontrare lunedì.

Ora, intendiamoci, nessuno pensa realmente che iniziative di questo genere possano sortire qualche effetto, ci mancherebbe; Obama ha ben altri informatori che lo mettono al corrente di chi si trova di fronte anche senza bisogno che gli venga segnalato dagli utenti di Facebook. L'iniziativa però mi pare interessante, e potrebbe anche essere vista come un modo per noi, utenti comuni, di fare qualcosa utilizzando la rete.

Se volete anche voi spedire questa specie di lettera di avviso, potete farlo copia-incollando il testo nella sua versione inglese (lo trovate qui di seguito) nell'apposita pagina messa a disposizione dal sito della Casa Bianca.

Next 15th june Barack Obama will meet italian president Silvio Berlusconi. For this occasion we want to remember to the President Usa the following 10 things about Berlusconi

1) Mr. Berlusconi was a P2 member, a secret society aiming at getting to the power by controlling justice and medias

2) Mr. B. owns the 3 main italian private TV broadcasting companies as well as a commercial empire that configures him as the world-champion of interests conflict

3) Judge Paolo Borsellino, killed by the mafia, 2 months before dying released an interview at some french journals and hinted more than once at the supposed relationships of Mr. Berlusconi and his right arm Marcello Dell'Utri with Mafia

4) Under the various B. governments, many ad-hoc ("ad personam") laws have been approved, some also in order to lighten his own eventual trial and prosecution. The last one, called "Lodo Alfano", suspends all prosecutions in charge to the Ministries' Council President all through his mandate, thus constituting a unique situation in the whole European Community

5) Foreign Newspapers (not certainly all left-winged) get constantly disgusted by Mr. B.'s offensive sentences and behaviour. Sadly famous are his mockings about Mr. Obama's tan or about the "superior western culture"

6) Mr. B. has been a great fan of Mr. Obama's predecessor. He said: "history will tell how a great president, the greatest of all, George W. Bush has been". Mr. B. has also defined Bush as a "man with great principles, ideals and vision, but most of all, a man who has been able to pursue such a vision"

7) Rather than promoting alternative energy sources use, Mr B.'s government reintroduced Nuclear Power by neglecting a popular will that by means of a referendum in 1987 had dismissed such an energy alternative

8) Mr. B. recently affirmed that "Italy is no multicultural land" , and the italian government is now proceeding to mass-evictions from the national territory

9) While you (OBAMA) openly praised the press in public since they constitute a watch-dog against the misuse of power, there's no day passing in which Mr. B. does not openly attack the press

10) "It's over. I cannot stay anymore with a man attending minors" (girls). "I tried to help my husband as one would do with a sick person". These last sentences are but a few pronounced by the italian premier wife, Mrs. Veronica Lario, after the recent revelations with respect to her husband's meetings inside their private manor, whose scandalous pictures are now travelling all around the world.

La traduzione italiana, giusto per sapere cosa avete spedito, la trovate qui.

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