martedì 8 maggio 2007

Spanish Lottery International

Devo ammettere che cominciavo a stare in pensiero: era da un bel pò infatti che quelli della lotteria spagnola non si facevano vivi. Oggi sono tornati alla carica. Riporto qui sotto il testo per promemoria, così se magari doveste riceverla anche voi e vi venissero dei dubbi sul da farsi, sapete che si tratta di un tentativo di truffa.

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Euro millions Spanish Lottery Winners International E-mail programs held on the 2ND OF MAY 2007 and result where release on the 5TH OF MAY 2007. Your E-mail address attached to ticket number 653-908-321-675 with serial main number 345-790-241-671 drew lucky star numbers 34-32-90-43-32 which consequently won in the 2ND category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of Euro.(One Million Euro)
Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 100,000 company and 50,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world.
This lottery was promoted and sponsored by Spanish European Lottery board in order to enhance and promote the use of Internet Explorer Users and Microsoft-wares around the globe. This promotional program takes place every three year. We hope with part of your winning you will take part in our end of year 50 million Euro International lottery.

To File For Your Claim, Please Contact Our Fiducial Agent: DR.LUIS FERNANDEZ

Remember, all winning must claimed not later than one month,After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.
Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number,batch numbers and other information as required by fill the details below.
1.Full Name:............................
3.Marital Status:.....................
8.Country Of Residence:.........................
9.Telephone Number:..............................
10.Fax Number:....................................
11.Batch Number :.........................
12.Reference Number:.....................
13.Alternative email address if any.................
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.Congratulations once more from our members and staff thank you for being part of our promotional program.

Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Sincerely yours,
This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it please let us know by reply it from your system; you should not copy it or disclose its contents to anyone. All messages sent to and from Fernandez Security Company España may be monitored to ensure compliance with internal policies and to protect your winning from the Euro Million Spanish Lottery Award Promotion.
The contents of any email addressed to our clients are subject to our usual terms of business; anything which does not relate to the official business of the firm is neither given nor endorsed by it.

Il testo, ovviamente, può essere leggermente diverso, ma la truffa è sempre quella. Ne avevo già parlato l'anno scorso sul mio sito in occasione di un messaggio simile. Quella volta però la lotteria era olandese.

Occhi aperti.

1 commento:

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